- 2013-03-12
讲座信息:VTR 7.0: Next Generation Architecture and CAD System for FPGAs
- 2012-10-10
名家讲坛:New Research Directions in Intelligent Transportation
- 2012-10-10
名家讲坛:ICT for a Smarter Planet: Challenges, Enablers, and Opportunities
- 2012-10-10
名家讲坛:Securing Data in the Cloud – Challenges and Research Directions
- 2012-10-10
名家讲坛:Towards In Situ Software Engineering Technologies
- 2012-09-14
讲座信息:Believe in Something Bigger Than Yourself
- 2012-06-04
卡耐基梅隆大学计算机科学学院经理Randal Bryant:云计算时代的数据密集型计算
- 2012-05-14
图灵奖得主John Hopcroft:Building a Science Base for the Information Age
- 2011-12-14
Addressing the General Purpose Processor Dilemma with Reconfigurable Logic Co...
- 2011-11-30