




芬兰阿尔托大学(Aalto University)电气工程学院2015-2016学年交换生申请工作启动。有兴趣的同学请仔细阅读下面的信息及附件,在331日之前联系学院科研交流办公室,提供本人基本情况(姓名、学号、电子邮件、联系电话、专业)。学院集中将名单推荐至Aalto大学;而后向各位申请者反馈网申地址,申请者须在430日之前完成网申工作。



附件:Aalto ELEC info sheet for 2015-2016.pdf





Application process:

Aalto University uses an online application system for incoming exchange students. The link to the online application form will be sent by email only to nominated students and therefore your university should send a nomination email to Aalto University, The nomination e-mail should include at least the name and e-mail address of the student, as well as the field of study. Please note that the application deadline has changed. The new application deadline is 30 April. This is the date by which the students must have filled in the online application, uploaded the required attachments and submitted it. So please send the nominations to us early enough for the students to have time to complete the form. We will open the online application form one month before the deadline. No hardcopies of the applications need to be sent to us.


The students can find more information about the application process in the following web page: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enmasterelec/How+to+apply

Through the link above the students will also find other useful information about courses, student housing etc.


About our academic year and the division of workload:

The autumn term in Aalto University is very short. In the autumn term 2015, teaching will start on 7 September (previous week is orientation week). Teaching and exams will end on 19 December already. Hence, our autumn term is less than four months and only two teaching periods long. Some students whose home university requires them to complete 30 credits in one semester have commented that it’s quite challenging to do at Aalto. Given our relatively heavy workload per credit, 20+ credits is a more realistic goal during the autumn. Therefore, we strongly recommend that students who are required to complete at least 30 cr./term apply for the spring term instead. It’s longer: full five months and three teaching periods, and enables students to complete 30+ credits.


About courses in English:
We offer a wide range of courses in English, but increasingly the vast majority of them are master-level courses, and teaching in bachelor-level is mostly in Finnish. However, because our bachelor’s degree is only three years long, partner university students who complete longer bachelor’s degrees and are in the final stages of their bachelor’s studies, e.g. fourth year, will be the exact right level for taking our basic master-level courses.  As long as the student checks that he/she has the required background knowledge to attend the course, choosing master-level courses is OK.